Институт в фотографиях



Семинар «Инжиниринг современных информационных систем»

17 ноября 2021 г. (среда), 15:00 (11:00 МСК)

Framework for closed-loop formal verification of distributed automation software with plant model generator from event logs

Midhun Xavier (Luleå University of Technology, Sweden)

Аннотация: This seminar introduces a concept of an automatic generation of a formal model of plant from the event logs. The formal model implementation and its verification are done with the help of a comprehensive toolchain that can combine design, simulation, formal verification, and distributed deployment of automation software. The talk discusses conceptual, methodological, and instrumental components of the toolchain.

ссылка на вебинар -- https://meet.google.com/iqb-gbix-azj

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