Институт в фотографиях

Публикации 2021 года

[1] D.S. Agafontsev and A.A. Gelash. Rogue waves with rational profiles in unstable condensate and its solitonic model. Frontiers in Physics, 9:610896, 2021. [ DOI ]
[2] Stepan A. Bogdanov and Leonid L. Frumin. Soliton orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with phase-frequency coding on the base of inverse scattering transform. Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 29(4):629-634, 2021. [ DOI ]
[3] Leonid L. Frumin. Algorithms for solving scattering problems for the Manakov model of nonlinear Schrödinger equations. Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 29(3):369-383, 2021. [ DOI ]
[4] Andrey Gelash, Dmitry Agafontsev, Pierre Suret, and Stéphane Randoux. Solitonic model of the condensate. Phys. Rev. E, 104:044213, Oct 2021. [ DOI ]
[5] R.I. Mullyadzhanov and A.A. Gelash. Magnus expansion for the direct scattering transform: High-order schemes. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 63(9):786-803, jul 2021. [ DOI ]
[6] Rustam Mullyadzhanov and Andrey Gelash. Solitons in a box-shaped wave field with noise: Perturbation theory and statistics. Phys. Rev. Lett., 126:234101, 2021. [ DOI ]
[7] E.G. Shapiro and D.A. Shapiro. Suppression of nonlinear distortion in a high-speed multichannel communication line with variable quadratic dispersion compensation. Quantum Electronics, 51(7):635-683, jul 2021. [ DOI ]
[8] Charles Lester, Andrey Gelash, Dmitry Zakharov, and Vladimir Zakharov. Lump chains in the KP-I equation. Studies in Applied Mathematics, (other information is not available). [ DOI ]