Институт в фотографиях

Публикации 2022 года

[1] Anton Nemykin, Leonid Frumin, and David Shapiro. Light scattering by a subwavelength plasmonic array: anisotropic model. Sensors, 22(2):449, 2022. [ DOI ]
[2] S.V. Perminov and D.A. Shapiro. Resonant absorption of plasmonic cylinder near boundary between dielectrics. Physics Letters A, 447:128295, 2022. [ DOI ]
[3] A.A. Raskovalov and A.A. Gelash. Resonant interactions of vector breathers. JETP Letters, 115(1):45, 2022. [ DOI ]
[4] A.A. Raskovalov, A.A. Gelash. Resonanse interaction of breathers in the Manakov system. TMF, 213(3):418-436, 2022. [ DOI ]
[5] E.G. Shapiro and D.A. Shapiro. Statistics of nonlinear noise in a high-speed optical communication line without dispersion compensation. Quantum Electronics, 52(8):759-763, 2022. [ URL ]
[6] D.S. Agafontsev, A.A. Gelash, R.I. Mullyadzhanov, and V.E. Zakharov. Bound-state soliton gas as a limit of adiabatically growing integrable turbulence. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 166:112951, 2022. [ DOI ]
[7] O.V. Belai. Fast numerical method of the second order of accuracy for solving the inverse scattering problem Quantum Electronics, 52(11):1039-1043, 2022 [ URL ].
[8] A.V. Nemykin and D.A. Shapiro. Diffraction by a perfectly conducting strip grating Quantum Electronics, 52(11):1031-1038, 2022 [ URL ].