Институт в фотографиях

Публикации 2023 года

[1] O.V. Belai, L.L. Frumin, and A.E. Chernyavsky. Algorithms for solving the inverse scattering problem for the Manakov model. Journal of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 64(3):453-464, 2024. [ DOI ]
[2] A.E. Chernyavsky, L.L. Frumin, and A.A. Gelash. Right and left inverse scattering problems formulations for the Zakharov–Shabat system. Journal of Inverse and Ill-posed Problems, 2024. [ DOI ]
[3] I. Mullyadzhanov, A. Gudko, R. Mullyadzhanov, and A. Gelash. Numerical direct scattering transform for breathers. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2024.[ DOI ]
[4] A.E. Verevkin, A.S. Bereza, and D.A. Shapiro. Scattering of long-wave radiation on two parallel cylinders. Radiophysics and Quantum Electronics, 2024. [in print]
[5] O.V. Belai, S.P. Kiselev, and V.P. Kiselev. Numerical simulation of a nanoparticle impact onto a target by the molecular dynamic’s method under the conditions of cold gas-dynamic spraying. Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 64(6):964-971, 2023. [ DOI ]
[6] A.E. Chernyavsky and L.L. Frumin. Inverse scattering transform algorithm for the Manakov system. Computer Optics, 47(6):856-862, 2023. [ URL ] [ DOI ]
[7] Alexander Chernyavsky, Alexey Bereza, Leonid Frumin, and David Shapiro. Modeling of Subwavelength Gratings: Near-Field Behavior. Photonics, 10(12):1332, 2023 [ DOI ].
[8] V.V. Pai, Y.L. Lukyanov, and L.L. Frumin. On the influence of temperature dependence of the viscosity coefficient on the process of high-speed deformation of metal. Izvestiya of Volgograd State Technical University, ser. Explosive Welding and Properties of Welded Joints, 11(282):12-15, 2023 [ РИНЦ ] [ DOI ].
[9] E.G. Shapiro and D.A. Shapiro. Phase-Modulated Format of Off-Center Chirped Data Transmission over a High-Speed Optical Link without Dispersion Compensation. Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, 50(10):S1156-S1162, 2023 [ DOI ].